Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Well. They're over. Now I wait for my professors to get off of their lazy corduroy-clad butts and put in my grades.

Saw the movie Juno. Over-written and under-developed, but still charming. Definitely not worth going to more than once.

Now for one of my favorite parts of the year! Organizing and/or discarding all of my papers from the semester is endlessly satisfying. One day I will be as organized as I would like.

And on that day I will rule the world.

1 comment:

Kristi Gee said...

i agree. nicely put. john! i'm in heaven! read all day and art projects all night. (and patrol the internet in between) do you need a paper collage? a re usable plastic grocery bag? a clay vessel? just say the word, man. and i'll bring the goods.