Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year, I guess...

Feels the same.

The Kingdom of Chavez is still headed for the crapper. How long can one manage to run a country playing off of people's misperceptions of how things (like the economy or international relations) actually work?



Starting to do research for my senior paper (I can at least deceive myself that I am on schedule). My goal at this point is to figure out if the question in my head can be narrowed down to an interesting, researchable (and already un-researched) question.

My question (well, one of many): What are the credit market similarities (if any) between developing nation poverty traps and poverty traps within the developed (I hate that world, how is anything ever determined to be developed) nations.

My motivation? Here. I just hope that there is something both rigorous and useful at the bottom of it all. Those two seem difficult to find traveling in tandem.

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